Why “Do not Panic” Should Be Your New Motto too


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A few months back, at my place of work, the company brought in a new gadget that the staff knew absolutely NOTHING about. It was just the overall head that had basic idea about the gadget. He also made it mandatory for all of us (staff) to familiarize ourselves with the gadget irrespective of our job roles at the office.
On several occasions, when we encountered difficulties, with managing errors that pops up when using the gadget, we all start panicking and then end up with unresolved errors.
This continued for a while until one of the staff, having mastered the gadget, was instructed to create a manual everyone was to use.


The first line of the manual was “do not panic”.
We all thought it was funny for him to have started the manual with that.

He later explained that in a bid to solve errors that comes up when using the gadget we needed to learn to be calm. He discovered, early, that panicking about errors blinds the part of the brain that is designed to solve problem.

Right there, I flashed back at certain difficult times in my life and discovered that the times I spent panicking over certain issues didn’t yield much result. And I said to myself, “This is going to be my new mantra.”

This mantra is easier said than done yet it is not impossible to do. Gradually, I started by being aware when I start panicking, developing anti-panic checklist which helps me switch to anti-panic mode. I will talk briefly about this in: “Ways to Self-treat Panic” (subscribe to my blog to get notified when I publish it. I’ll also be showing, subscribers only, my anti-panic checklist).

This new mantra, and my panic Self-treatments, helped me build a sustainable habit of never panicking first over anything even as little as my face reacting to new soap (as someone who doesn’t really use makeup a lot, this was a frustrating period for me but I triumphed). READ​How Do You See and Manage CHANGE (—The Humbling Fact that Nothing Truly Lasts Forever!) ?


Are you going start living by this new motto too?

See “30 Insightful Discoveries That Would Sharpen Your Mind” and Discover “How to stay ruthlessly committed” 


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